'Slow, slow, slow... there was love ten seconds ago.'
The Cardigans - Slow
Well, the referdum went better than I'd imagined. I'm being honest about my cynicism but sometimes it is nice to be proven wrong. I felt bad that after all the effort that has gone into it, I wasn't there for la finale or the announcement as I was at a conference in the wonderous maze that is New York City. What I got up to there doesn't really relate to my Guild role naturally but seeing how LGBTQ students organise in another setting was of use and I need to sit down at some point and process all of it. I apologise for the brevity of this post but I wanted to resurface on the blogosphere before Guild Council. My report is now avaliable online so please have a read and don't forget you can ask me any questions on it or any other comments and suggestions at 6:15pm in Guild Council Chambers tomorrow. Coolness.
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