Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Wall, meet fist.

'Get up, or come get down with the sickness. Open up your hate, and let it flow into me'
Disturbed - Down With the Sickness

Sometimes you come across something that challenges and upsets you by rights, more than it should. I won't mention any details such as names, times, places and institutions more than I have been permitted to etc. but I had a case of severe homophobic bullying reported to me. This was with regards to both students and staff members conduct and I really feel the need to punch 
something. Anything. It is so clear to me that even what we would describe as a 'fully-developed' bullying reporting system doesn't always work.The face that LGBTQ students facing issues surrounding their orientation are forced to disclose 
it in order to make the complaints they need to upsets me hugely. It puts massive pressure on that student to make a step they may well not be willing to and certainly not one that is required by most mitigatroy systems where a level of anonymity is allowed. People sometimes ask us as officers to defend the need for a student union, and there it is. Because when the basic rights of our students are violated its not always the institution that is capable of fixing things or dealing with those welfare issues in the way that we need them to. The pressure for change must come from us because who the hell else is going to do it?

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